A clarified roadmap, 2025

Here’s the plan for the next little while.

Existing books

  • The Healers trilogy is now available at a bunch of ebook retailers (Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble online, itch.io, etc.), on paper at B&N online as well as on Amazon, and out of Kindle Unlimited. Thanks to those of you who tried it on KU, nothing personal.
  • The first Therapist omnibus will follow after March 18, 2025: available at other retailers, and its component novellas will come out of KU. The exact timing for the wide release will vary from site to site.
  • The rest of the Therapist books will expire from KU at various dates over the next few months. The last days for each:
    • Sylvan Dragon’s Herald: Feb. 26
    • Level 99: Mar. 12
    • Sweet & Salty: Apr. 7
    • Bardbarian: Apr. 6
  • If you borrow a title while it’s still in KU, you can finish reading it even if it comes out of KU. There just won’t be any new borrows.
  • The second Therapist omnibus – books 5, 6, and 8, or Hazel, Berry, and Henry’s books – will be released at other retailers and taken out of KU after April 7.
  • Bonus hope that’s out of my hands: I have a help ticket in with Atticus [the formatting software I use] to straighten out a glitch in my ebook chapter titles. If you’ve ever run into an issue with these in my books, PLEASE EMAIL ME. a) I’d like to know if it’s happening to anyone else, and b) I will send you a fixed copy as soon as I can get one.

Upcoming books

  • Another book in the Healers world (with different characters) is with a developmental editor as of this writing. Rewrites and edits after that for as long as they take, then beta reading, then final edits, then cover and release. I hope to have this book out sometime in 2025, ideally before the fall Cozy the Day Away sale in October, but as long as it’s done to the best of my ability and I haven’t rushed anything…I’ll be satisfied.
    • I also hope to do ARCs for the first time ever with this one. Wish me luck. More details in the newsletter when we get to that point.
  • Therapist books 9 and 10, a connected pair of novellas about the Dread Army, are in the works now. With book 7, they will form the third omnibus whenever they’re finished.
  • Any future Therapist books will be released only in omnibus form, probably three or four at a time.
  • After that, I plan to write either a direct sequel to Healers (if I feel extra brave) or a direct sequel to Strangers. If all goes well, both will happen eventually.
  • I intend to keep releasing wide from here on out (i.e. at multiple retailers and not in Kindle Unlimited), adding options as they become available. Again, KU readers won’t notice I’m gone; there are thousands of other books there. You’ll be fine, I’ll be fine, it’s fine.
A pair of screenshots from the show Parks and Recreation. In the first panel, a man hands over a slip of paper to another person who's mostly offscreen, with the subtitle: "Not to worry. I have a permit."

The second screenshot is a closeup of the slip of paper, which simply says:
"I can do what I want.


More status updates will be in the newsletter, along with anything fun that pops up, like art previews.

That’s where it stands for now. Thanks!