A small, purple update

Just a few tweaks to the site layout, including a graphic in the top bar. This comes from the back cover of the upcoming Therapist omnibus #2, which means it would only be seen by those who buy the omnibus in print. Instead, it was so nifty that I wanted to use it in a more visible spot as well.

The second omnibus cover is done, aside from some possible tweaks to the blurb. That means that it could go up on Amazon now, but I’m waiting till the Kindle Unlimited terms for those novellas expire in order to post it everywhere at once. The goal date is April 8. Join the mailing list for more updates, including a cover reveal in the March 15 issue. :3

In other changelog-y news, the Therapist series page now prioritizes the omnibus edition(s), and there is a combined content notes page for each of the omnibus editions.